Friday, June 10, 2011

Q and A about PHIL COMICS

Well lately there haven't been any Phil comics up. But now they may be coming back...Or are they? Here are a few answers to questions you may have about Phil Comics.

Q: Are they coming back?
A: Well I'm gonna try to post comics whenever I can. Ocasionally I may be a day or two late so I can't promise anything.

Q: When will the new comics be posted?
A: I'm actually posting a new one today, so when your done reading this, go check it out.

Q: Why did you stop making them for that long period of time?
A: I went away on a trip to the mountains and was unable to post comics. The trip lasted a few days, but when I got back, it was hard to get back on track. There would be days where I couldn't think of an idea for a strip and had to just not make it. Eventually they all began to pile up and so I just stopped all together.

So I hoped this helped you to understand a few things a little bit better.

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